
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Building the character

watch what you think
because he will become what you say

watch what you say
because he will become what you do

watch what you do
because he will become your habits

watch what your habits
because he will become your character

watch what you read, hear, feel, and approach
because he will be the source of thoughts.

do not limit yourself
because the fence is the only one that you created yourself

do not worry about others and your environment
because the only enemy is inside you

do not complain
because of your ways today's your choice

can choose and be responsible for the choice

There are three things in life that must be learned:
1. ability to manage ourselves
2. ability to manage others
3. ability to manage financial

people are living longer than his age
is a person who is the sun for themselves and those around


Anonymous said...

Lesly my inspirator!
Apa kabar ukh?
Eh masih ngelola SMA 4 gak? Daku mu ngundang adik2 SMA 4 nih buat acara silaturahim pengurus keputrian.

Lesly Septikasari said...

alhamdulillah. baik luar biasa :) masih, tapi karena thesis rada terabaikan euy..
boleh, nanti saya forward. hub japri ya :)